By Ray99
United Kingdom
What can I plant on a raised bed which is shaded by 3 large lime trees and hoggin as soil?
The raised bed is bounded by a 2ft dry stone wall.
- 10 Feb, 2011
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Hello Ray and welcome to GoY! Your site will be dry, shady and stony so only the toughies will survive. Have a look at the bottom of the page where you can click on "S" to find plants for shade, and stony soil, and "D" for dry situations.
My suggestions would be Euphorbia amygdaloides, the toughest hardy geraniums, ivy - some are attractively variegated, or with "novelty" leaves, like H. helix 'cristata'. Lamium galeobdolon (yellow archangel) does well under trees, has silvered leaves and yellow flowers. And Vinca species (periwinkles) would be OK. Vinca major variegata would light up the shade. Some bulbs would be able to survive - bluebells for instance.
10 Feb, 2011