which climber?
By Marymillett
United Kingdom
I have two six foot fences with a three foot trellis above, facing south, behind greenhouse and the same at right angles facing west. there's gravel beneath them and climbers in pots. the armandii refuses to go above the fence, the passion flower is straggly, the ivy is taking forever to grow and the honeysuckle got the mould! What would be the best evergreen climbers to cover my fences and trellises and would it be best to dig down into the ground rather than large pots?
13 Sep, 2008
I would say that honeysuckle is not a particualarly good choice for a sunny spot as it would be more prone to aphids; shade suits it better.
But I agree with spritz that the euonymus are good choices - 'Emerald Gaiety' is another good one
14 Sep, 2008
There are varieties of Honeysuckle that prefer the sun, though! I suppose it depends which one you have or get.
14 Sep, 2008
I think that your Clematis would certainly do better in a well - composted rich soil rather than in a pot. They are greedy feeders. I am not surprised that the Honeysuckle got mildew/mould as this is due to the wet weather. Try digging out the borders and compost them heavily, then have another go. A good evergreen shrub which does clamber up is Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen'. I am always recommending this, but it is such a useful one in my garden and gives colour throughout the year with its silver and green leaves. There shold be no problem with your choice, otherwise. Good luck next year!
13 Sep, 2008