Opium Poppy
By Sodapopklc
United Kingdom
We've had a fair few opium poppy's appear in our garden and now that the flowers have died off, we're just left with the poppy head where all the seeds are stored, do we have to do anything with these? As we want the poppy's to come up again next year. Many thanx Lucy :-)

13 Sep, 2008
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Poppys are the best self seeders, reserve a little space for them.
13 Sep, 2008
The Opium Poppies are annuals and the plants die once seed is ripe. . They will certrainly seed themselves, but keep some seed for sowing next Spring to make sure it is where you want them, because they do not transplant satisfactoraly. What wonderful Pepper pots they make.
13 Sep, 2008
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I just leave ours to seed or harvest the pods and sprinkle teh seed else where in the garden...then cut the pods down to the ground...The should come back for you next year...ours do...
13 Sep, 2008