By Claire70
United Kingdom
Can I grow hanging basket plants from seed? I mean things like busy lizzie, petunia, million bells. I am a total novice to hanging baskets and having a go for the first time this year. Usually see these as bedding plants and wondered if I would get a decent show starting from seed?
12 Feb, 2011
I have to admit that I've never seen seed for Million Bells.
12 Feb, 2011
Thanks, I think that's probably a no then, I was just trying to keep costs down. Also, I've just had a look and a lot of the packets are for mixed colours so I think it would be quite hard to design your basket. I saw a gorgeous pale pink display I'd like copy!
13 Feb, 2011
Trailing Lobelia could be a good hanging basket flower,nasturtiums, trailing fuchsias,, if not why not growing tumbing tomatoes in them.But it does pay to shop about to see what lovely flowers there are for hanging baskets
13 Feb, 2011
Sorry, I read this but never replied. Ive planted some nasturtiums but going to buy in the others as bedding. Thanks for your advice.
3 Apr, 2011
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« venus fly trap just put my first seeds in my propagator in ericatious soil. ...
Yes, but you'd need to start NOW - (or even earlier with some heat for some of the plants)! Look in your Garden Centre and read the instructions on the seed packets. That'll help you to decide if it's worth it or possible for this year. Otherwise, why not buy plug-plants and grow them on?
12 Feb, 2011