By Pamsco
Insect ID please. My garden is full of flies - they have been visible above the cypress hedge ven when the temperature was down at -5oC. They are now in clouds over the lawn. They were very difficult to photo given how fast they flutter!

12 Feb, 2011
Looks like you've got fairies in your garden - great shot Pamsco :-)
12 Feb, 2011
I stood for an age waiting for them to land but gave up - they are flying so fast I lose them as soon as they are out of the sun. There does seem to be a long tail or long legs? They have been in the garden all winter I definitely saw them in december and january.
If they are fairies - fantastic, unless fairies have a taste for my veggies then begone! Lol
12 Feb, 2011
Hmm. A long tail would be consistent with mayflies, too. Don't let the name fool you--they come out whenever the weather is right, not just in May. If they are, it's no wonder they are living fast. The adults of most species rarely live more than a day!
13 Feb, 2011
Just looked at the entomology society and mayflies seem to need clean running water. There's none round here. Could be the same genus but one of the others. Oh for a net to catch some!
13 Feb, 2011
Probably gnats, Pam, much smaller than Mayflies and it is too early for these. Gnats can be around at any time of year. Great picture just as it is.
13 Feb, 2011
I've edited my comment - I was thinking of midges. They're not what I'd call gnats, but...... :-?
13 Feb, 2011
We are using common names for insects here, Beattie, and finding the same local variations as we do with plants.
To me, gnats are like small mayflies that appear whenever the sun comes out and are typified by the way a cloud of them bobs up and down in the air. They don't bite.
Midges, on the other hand, are to be dreaded! Tiny little flies that go around in big swarms and bite like b*****y (sorry). Nasty little things :-((((
13 Feb, 2011
Amazing photo Pamsco,well taken.I agree,they do look like fairies..:o).Maybe they are harmless to your plants,..I hope so..
13 Feb, 2011
Thanks all. I'll keep an eye on them and see if I ever catch one to confirm what they are.
17 Feb, 2011
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« 3 Plant IDs please, i've done them on the same question so I don't push other...
Wow! If you can snap one while it's landed, that would help a lot. Meanwhile, what I can see of the wing and body shape seems to indicate Mayflies--though it's a bit early for them, in my experience.
12 Feb, 2011