By Weedpatch
United Kingdom
I would be interested in hearing what evergreen shrubs have come through the winter well in gardens of the Midlands and further North.
I come from Derbyshire and have suffered terrible damage and losses and am wondering what I should be planting next.
12 Feb, 2011
I'm near Aberystwyth, 1000' up, The garden although goes to the se, it slopes away to the nw. Most of my shrubs are in a protected 'shrubbery', but I have a few that are in all the elements. An Ozthamnus, a Pieris, and a Euonymous green and gold, But non of these are particularly fast growing and due to the location, mine aren't above 4' tall. I grow Hebes and ceanothus as short lived shrubs. The same for Lavender.
13 Feb, 2011
Everything is looking healthy including my necterine tree suprizingly also all the fuchsia looks well
13 Feb, 2011
Hi, thanks for telling me about your gardens.
The big surprise for me is the Hebes that a couple of you have. I have never tried them, thinking they would be far too tender for my high, exposed garden.
My Photinias have wind damage but otherwise seem OK. Rhodies also OK although after many years, I have definately lost both my Pieris. Another surprise for me has been the Euonymous japonicus. All gone, especially sad as I had several clipped as standard balls. The Euonymous fortunei green and Gold is untouched.
So surprised about the necterine, Steve! Fancy that. I had such thick ice here for weeks aswell as deep snow it wouldn't have survived here.
13 Feb, 2011
I'm not too far from you in West Yorkshire,and I think all mine seem to have survived so far.The Caledonian Hebes look healthy too,a small leaved variety,so you should be ok if you decide to buy some.Sorry you lost your Pieris,I was surprised at that,although mine are in the shelter of a wall,so maybe that's the reason they are ok.
13 Feb, 2011
The strange thing about the Pieris was that they both came through last winter very well and looked really good last summer. I will give them the chance to sprout from the bottom but everything visible has died. They both had protection of a fence and will leave a huge gap through which I do not want to see! I am in a rural area and quite high. It often amazes me when I eventually get down the ice covered lane how much warmer it is with less ice and snow only a few miles away.
13 Feb, 2011
I'm in Edinburgh but my garden in south facing and protected from the worst of the blasting wind. The plants that still look really healthy after the -15oC we got are: photinia, fatsia japonica, stinking hellebore, Pieris 'Little Heath', and the rhodys look fine as do the hebes. There are others but I don't know there names yet!
13 Feb, 2011