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Is something eating my Jade !?!

midlands, United Kingdom

I wonder if there are any experts who can tell me if I am doing this right ?

I have a Crassula ovata which this time last year, flowered profusely for approx 3 months. (Please see previous blog.) This was the first time in 40 years that this has happened.

This year I have had problems. Although it is kept in a greenhouse, over christmas, the cold still got to the top of it and it went terribly limp. Shortly after I developed a problem with the leaves which looked like greenfly to me, white powder, sticky turning to black and sooty. During this time the hundreds of buds had not opened. Beginning of January I started a de-bug program considering the possibility of mealybug, as apparently it has suffered from this before. Because of the size of it it is awkward to re-pot which it desperately needs !

So, I purchased a product called SB Invigorator which depending on which website you like at, is supposed to be very good as it is an insecticide and foliage food as well.

I applied this on 3 occassions over 3 weeks and didn't really notice any great effect. I know that these things take time…

I have now adopted the Bayer Provado Ultimate Bug Killer as my weapon of elimination, spraying for the first time last Monday. I know about nematodes but believe the temperature isn't warm enough for that…? If you have any advice to offer which is different to any of the above I would be most grateful to you.

The first pic is what it looked like this time last year. The second two pics are what it looks like now.

Kind regards. The Lone Gardener

On plant Crassula ovata



The pictures seem to show scars from frost and mealybug damage, LG. The main problems may be over, but it will take several months of growth to make the plant look decent again. Since mealybugs are so good at hiding, though, I would keep using the Provado for 2-3 months, just in case.

14 Feb, 2011


Thanks, with regard to pruning whens best, after flowering has finished, Spring as the temperature gets warmer... plant less active in summer ??? Wouldn't remove more than 20% gross.

Would like to try and shape to make more manage-able, outside in the summer... its just so huge... AND HEAVY!

14 Feb, 2011


I would wait to prune until the night temps where it is now are more than 7º C. As for how much to prune, you can make it bald, if you want to, though if you want to cut off anything thicker than your thumb, cut it just above a side branch at least 1/3 as thick. It will probably recover faster if you can give it a half dose of tomato food, as soon as the cut ends dry.

15 Feb, 2011


Great, thanks for your advice, will attack it early summer more confidently now ! Regards, TLG

15 Feb, 2011

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