By Knee_deep
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Our veg plot this year is last years pig-plot. The soil has been compacted and it is now very water-logged. I don't particularly want to double-dig it as it's a big plot. Has anyone got suggestions on what I could do so I can get planting now or do you think I should just leave it a while to dry out (assuming it doesn't rain again soon)?
The photo was taken before the most recent rain so it's a bit worse than that.
- 16 Feb, 2011
The footprint at the bottom of the picture looks as if it is in heavy clay so I am afraid that you have a lot of work in front of you. Some drains could be necessary and then compost and humus to create a decent soil.
16 Feb, 2011
Not what I was hoping to hear but thank you for the suggestions! I guess I'll just have to 'dig in' and see what happens.
19 Feb, 2011
Good luck!
20 Feb, 2011
Hi Knee-deep and welcome to GoY, I don't think you have any choice but to dig or rotavate the plot. There is no chance of your growing veggies in soil as compacted as that is. Needs lots of compost or humus dug in too.
16 Feb, 2011