By Poppylove
United Kingdom
I am trying to identify a shrub with pink bell like flowers with narrow leaves
20 Feb, 2011
20 Feb, 2011
Good guess!
20 Feb, 2011
If we ever get a photo we'll find out if it was a good guess - or not!
20 Feb, 2011
Weigela florida? Phygelius? Crinodendrum hookeranium (though the flowers are red)?
20 Feb, 2011
Weigela was the other one that came to my mind Bamboo, but its flowers are a bit more flared than bell-shaped to my mind.
How are you on guessing the shape drawn on this card I'm holding? ;-)
20 Feb, 2011
Well, depends what's meant by bell really doesn't it - often used as a general term describing everything from Pieris japonica flowers through to Weigela. It's a triangle, lol!
21 Feb, 2011
Well, I was going to accept whatever shape you suggested, but actually it's two wavy lines. :-( We're not psychic after all, Bamboo.. Double :-((
And I thought we had so much in common!
21 Feb, 2011
Maybe Pieris japonica (as Bamboo mentioned) "Valley Valentine"?
Mine's flowering at the moment.
21 Feb, 2011
Well, Beattie, we probably have a similar mindset and the same information rather than having psychic abilities!
22 Feb, 2011
Oh well, no new career then!
22 Feb, 2011
It would be nice if Poppylove would come back with more details and a photo...
22 Feb, 2011
When does it flower? The question above simply does not give us enough info to i.d. a photo would be wonderful!
20 Feb, 2011