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Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

I'm after some plant suggestions. I've got a north west corner that gets no direct sunlight & minimal wind. I'm looking for suggestions for a pot plant with some height & colour for this corner. I did have a camellia but the winter killed it.



Variegated ivy growing up the trellis? I like forms with large white-edged leaves, but there are hundreds of variations available.
Choysia? The gold leafed form "Sundance" would be nice if you like gold leaves. Or the variety "Aztec Pearl" makes a smaller shrub with green leaves. They both have white flowers.

21 Feb, 2011


Perfect spot for Fatshedera lizei - there's a variegated variety which is very attractive. Will need staking or tying onto that trellis, is evergreen, and won't get too wide and bushy, reaches about 4 feet.

21 Feb, 2011


Fatshedera lizei looks perfect, thanks :)

22 Feb, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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