By Driad
United Kingdom
Any helpfull hints on how to remove those irritating plastic peices at the bottom of new planters to allow drainage? Screwdrivers, hammers, scissors eventually do the job, but it isn't easy, and potentially dangerous!
26 Feb, 2011
or get a slim piece of metal and a flame source and melt the holes in the bottem . this is quick and wear the plastic melts back it thickens the edges reinforcing them . it also has no chance of cracking the plastic .
27 Feb, 2011
Power drill and a big drillbit does the trick for me
27 Feb, 2011
I agree with NP ... I've heated a metal skewer over a flame in the past ... makes a hole very quickly!
27 Feb, 2011
drills can break pots sometimes its swings and roundabouts realy .
27 Feb, 2011
I have used a heated metal skewer for years - just make sure it isn't the one you test fruit cakes with!
27 Feb, 2011
and be carefull how you heat it up as the end your holding could get hot to .
28 Feb, 2011
Hi, An old Wooden handled small screwdriver heated up is what i use.
13 Mar, 2011
Previous question
I use a cordless electric drill. quick and as long as you hold the pot secure no danger either.
26 Feb, 2011