By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Do I need a Phytosanitary Certificate to import some bulbs from a South African nursery I can get bulbs from them in SA for a fraction of the cost including shipping they will not be a large amount just a few
Thank you
28 Feb, 2011
Hi Steve,
The bulbs absolutely do need a Phyto Certificate or they will be impounded by customs & destroyed. The number that you are importing is irrelevant.
Any nursery offering to export to the UK should also be able to arrange the certificate to accompany the export and quote you for the cost of this too - it shouldn't be hugely expensive.
28 Feb, 2011
I checked with the Portugese agriculture people because I wanted to get some seeds, and even those required the certificate. But I went to and found the seeds I wanted, and my South African gladiolus seeds are starting to emerge.
1 Mar, 2011
Hi Wylie,
we are able to import seed into the UK without a Phyto, but then I would guess that our environment is not as susceptible to floral "invaders" as is yours in the Azores.
1 Mar, 2011
There aren't that many native species here - just about everything has been imported. But I asked the company in S.A. if they had the Phyto's, and they replied that because they used a lot of small suppliers, they were unable to get them. But there are no problems with anything from the EU.
2 Mar, 2011
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Steve, try asking customs?
28 Feb, 2011