By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have been trying to germinate some lapageria rosea (Chilean bellflower) seeds without success they have been kept warm but do I need to keep them cold any tips would be appreciated
Thank you
28 Feb, 2011
Thanks Ilex - I'm in the same boat as Steve.
1 Mar, 2011
Thanks Ilex
That explaines everything that I'm doing wrong so I will start again
1 Mar, 2011
...and be patient. These things are rare for a reason, maybe slow germination is it's reason!
1 Mar, 2011
Hallo Steve,
so now, have you germinated succefully Lapageria rosea?
Best wishes
10 Jun, 2020
Previous question
Hi Steve,
Yes, Lapageria do require cold stratification.
1.First soak the seed in tepid water for 48 hours.
2. Place seed in trays and cover to a depth of 5mm, place sown seed tray into a plastic freezer bag and put into cold stratification (i.e. the fridge) at around 3C for 28 days.
3. placed trays onto a heat mat set at 21 degrees. Germination should begin in 3 to 4 weeks.
4. Protect seed from mice once sown and from slugs and snails once leaf growth begins.
28 Feb, 2011