By Patricia23q
United Kingdom
How should I prune my penstemon? At the moment it is very leggy. Should I cut it down to the ground or just leave it?
4 Mar, 2011
I tidy mine up in April
4 Mar, 2011
Thanks for your advice about my penstemon. I will wait until the end of the month before pruning.
4 Mar, 2011
i would also take a few cuttings just incase you loose it,just snip the tops off and put a few in apot of compost,water in,clear bag over the top to give it a bit of warmth,pot on when rooted,bingo new plants for nothing,i take loads of cuttings every year from mine.
5 Mar, 2011
Thanks Plantmaiden. Hadn't thought of that.
5 Mar, 2011
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« I have a lovely buxus sempiverens hedge, about 18" high edging a large flower...
Prune almost to the ground. I would probably leave it until the end of this month before doing so.
4 Mar, 2011