By Malrky007
United Kingdom
why does knowone sell erygnium maritimum?and do you know where i can buy some pls.
On plant
Eryngium maritimum
6 Mar, 2011
If you google it you'll find quite a few suppliers selling seeds and some nurseries selling plants. And there are two seed sellers on ebay as well.
6 Mar, 2011
thanks alot beattie will try have looked but seems its the only one not for sale as plant could try seeds thanks again
6 Mar, 2011
There are numerous nurseries selling it, i ordered some 2 weeks ago.
Look at the nurseries i mentioned in a blog i wrote some time ago, at least 2 nurseries on that list sell it.
6 Mar, 2011
It is sometimes for sale as a plant, Malrky, but it is difficult to grow to a decent, saleable, size in a pot. Eryngium have heavy tap roots which don't like to be damaged, hence the difficulty in repotting and planting out; don't even think of moving one in the garden!
Seed is the best option and then plant it out early in its required flowering position.
6 Mar, 2011
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I see from the ad below this box that Unwin's sell Eryngium seeds.
6 Mar, 2011