By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Fan Palm...will it survive?
I have never protected this Fan Palm...anyone know which species it is? This year it has taken a hammering in the severe conditions. The fan-like fronds are very brown...and the new unopened fronds are brown and look 'mouldy'...for want of a better word!
Will it survive or have I lost it? Should I remove the brown leaves? It doesn't look dead but is in a sorry state! Any advice on what to do with it would be appreciated.

6 Mar, 2011
Noooo, Giroffle! I've had mine from a small plant...and love it! LOL. I will be devastated if all hope is lost!
It's a good job we are all different! :-))))
6 Mar, 2011
Izzy - terribly sorry if I offended you here - will keep my trap shut in future. I hope you get the advice you need and you revive it - then I can eat my hat - indeed it is a good thing we are all different ;-)
7 Mar, 2011
Izzy, it looks like it still has live leaves, so there is lots of hope. If it hasn't been fed, you might want to wait until the weather is a little warmer, and give it some Grow More, or suchlike. Hopefully, new fonds will rise from the top of each trunk, and eventually make a new crown--though that may be slow. If it is a Mediterranean Fan Palm, as it looks to be, new trunks may also rise from the base, if the main buds are too damaged. Good luck, Izzy!
7 Mar, 2011
Giroffle, no offence taken, I assure you! My mum couldn't stand the sight of them adored them!LOL.
It's been part of the garden for such a's like an old friend! I'll wait and see what happens!
Thanks, Tug. I will wait and see what it does.. Yes, I think you're right...Mediterranean Fan Palm. I did know that ...senior moment!LOL.
7 Mar, 2011
Chaemerops humilis...
7 Mar, 2011
I inherited one of these last summer and it looked just like this - couldn't bear the sight of it and when I attempted to remove it, it was a nightmare - the roots were incredibly strong and woven in a baskety shape at the bottom. I was glad I got rid of it and got the container free to explore something else from scratch. Maybe they are worth saving - but I wouldn't know how to revive it
6 Mar, 2011