United Kingdom
Does the colour white or red for camellias depend on the type of soil, alkali or acid? Or does colour simply depend on the variety of camellia planted?
7 Mar, 2011
Yep, variety - but they also come in pink, yellow and pink/white streaked.
7 Mar, 2011
Thanks, Owdboggy and Bamboo, for your prompt replies!
Okay, what about hydrangeas - does their colour depend on soil acid ir alkali?
Jeez, what a pain, this guy!
15 Mar, 2011
To some extent, yes, particularly with blue, and sometimes pink, varieties. In neutral to alkaline soil, blue ones look more a sort of drab lilac - in acidic soil, blue will be proper blue, but pink may be lilacy, or it may be fine.
15 Mar, 2011
Agreed, soil acidity/alkalinity tends to intensify the already existing colour. That is in H. macrophylla, in the other species it makes no difference to the flower colour at all.
16 Mar, 2011
Depends on the variety, not soil acidity.
7 Mar, 2011