By Wisey
United Kingdom
Hi. Our back garden slopes down towards the back of the house. We want to build a patio on the LH side (looking out of the house) level with the house and then leave the lawn on the RH side sloping (too expensive to dig out!). So we'll need a retaining wall around the new patio and some sort of steps up to the lawn which is still on a slope. Hope that makes sense. Any advice on how to link the patio and the sloping lawn which is child friendly? Any advice on the retaining wall for the patio? Many thanks!
Asked from the GoYpedia
sloping garden ideas page
7 Mar, 2011
Featured on:
sloping garden ideas
Looks like this question was asked from that page, judging by the info underneath, Beattie. The retaining walls will probably need to be brick with footings - as for steps, make them fairly shallow if you can - children cope better with those, but essentially, it might be difficult to do that, depends on the gradient of the slope.
7 Mar, 2011
Whoops, so it was, thanks Bamboo. :-? Derrr!
7 Mar, 2011
surley if your garden slopes away and up from your house all you need is to keep the decking as low as possible from the house and let it run out naturaly to wear the sloping lawn is . you could even put a bit of a shape or curve into the decking so it looks like it almost naturaly joins the lawn .
8 Mar, 2011
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You could click on "S" at the bottom of the garden and have a look at Sloping Garden Ideas, Wisey. What is the approximate height difference between the patio and the lawn just above it? Welcome, by the way!
7 Mar, 2011