By Angeb
United Kingdom
Hi I have a 4 foot pyramid shaped bay tree in my garden and the leaves are now brown and crisp due to the cold winter I presume,can anyone tell me wether it is liable to be dead or will it sprout new leaves ? I don't know how old it is as have not been here long, and all I know is they are evergreens, I have read conflicting advice so now not sure what to do. Cheers now. Ange.
7 Mar, 2011
It may be the effect of very cold winds during the arctic spell before Christmas - I'd wait and see if any new growth appears, perhaps till end of this month - if none does, I'd assume it's a goner, but if it does, cut back to wherever the new shoots are.
7 Mar, 2011
Thanks dustydog and bamboo for your advice, will wait and see for a while. Unfortunately all the leaves are brown but the stalks still appear to be flexable and are not dry so there may be some hope ! regards Ange.
7 Mar, 2011
Bay Laurel usually sprouts back very easily. It probably needs just a little more warmth to get going.
9 Mar, 2011
Previous question
Hi, we have a lot of bay in our garden and they are pretty tough, will stand any amount of pruning and I would just cut off the affected leaves - I assume its not brown all over? if it is it might well be dead - but just wait and see - maybe its just in need of water, regards Dusty
7 Mar, 2011