By Boxermike7
Staffordshire, United Kingdom
When I go to Menorca, I always enjoy the onions they sell there, they are about the size of an apple, straw coloured, and so mild and sweet to eat, you can eat them raw like an apple. I just can't find out what variety they are so I can grow my own. Even seaching on the internet has proved futile.Can anyone help please?
- 7 Mar, 2011
Kelsay onions are large, very mild and can be eaten raw.
8 Mar, 2011
I remember T&M used to sell a very mild onion seed, with a picture of someone chomping into it like an apple. There's one called "Supasweet".
8 Mar, 2011
On Menorca, they are probably a granex variety. The drawback with growing these in the UK is that they grow over the winter--probably too cold in the UK--and bulb up soon after the spring equinox--probably too early in the UK! The varieties mentioned by Fractal and Beattie will probably work much better for you.
9 Mar, 2011
i think you will have to ask again when your out there or have a more specified question like asking drcbob or bamboo they are 2 good plantspeople id recomend . maybe bob mite know more about this subject but i dont know .
8 Mar, 2011