By Jimmy2
United Kingdom
What does the number "2" refer to in, eg, Autumn King 2 carrot? Or 3, 4, or more in other vegetable seed descriptions.
- 8 Mar, 2011
No idea, I'm afraid - will be interested to learn.
8 Mar, 2011
Usually, it means that it is the 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th) in a series of varieties bred for similar edible parts, but with different ripening times, or different climate or soil tolerances. Most useful for farmers trying to time their plantings for market conditions, or their local situation, but many such varieties have bled out into the home gardening market--sometimes with the numbers, sometimes without!
9 Mar, 2011
thanx tug very good .
9 Mar, 2011
good question lol .
8 Mar, 2011