West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Does anyone know offhand if there is a type of clumping bamboo, not too invasive that will be happy in a fairly shady spot (in the shade of the house almost all of the time). I need to hide the view of the house as it's not overly attractive with a wheely bin and garden storage box underneath the kitchen window!
8 Mar, 2011
Fargesia Murieliae is the one you are after - it is cheapish to buy, loves shade, grows quickly and thickly, is clumping and not invasive and looks attractive. Also tolerates cold and wind. Most online nurseries sell it. I have it and love it.
8 Mar, 2011
Thank you very much for your replies. I'm writing them down as we speak (well, type).
10 Mar, 2011
Hi Caroline,
Yes, there are lots that would fit your requirements well. Many of the smaller species of Fargesia (F. nitida is pretty widely available is a variety of forms) would be perfect and are happy in even quite deep shade. Drepanostachyum species, all of the Borinda species or any of the forms of Thamnocalamus crassinodus would also work well.
8 Mar, 2011