By Jethrotull
United Kingdom
We have a Eucalyptus in a pot on the patio. It was bought last year.It was outside during the winter,but sheltered under a veranda. It seemed fine, but did get wheeled out too early,a small number of leaves looked the worse for wear. Now it looks as if half the tree/shrub has turned brown.It is about 7ft high.
Is there hope?
9 Mar, 2011
But a word about the pot - Eucalyptus likes to put down very deep roots, and so will not survive for any length of time contained in a pot. You might get away with a very deep pot (over 2 feet, preferably more) if you stool it down to about 2 inches every March or April and grow it as a shrub.
9 Mar, 2011
Where there's life, there's hope! Eucs stump sprout very easily, and as long as there are live stems near the base, it will come back--often prettier!
9 Mar, 2011