By Heidi6
Bridgend, United Kingdom
I recently planted some Cosmos seeds. They have sprouted all tall and leggy ( looking a lot like cress) , does anyone have any idea where I went wrong? Its my first time to grow these.
Would I have have had better luck waiting and planting them directly into the garden rather than trays?
- 10 Mar, 2011
if you have spare seed you could sow some more at the end of the month.
10 Mar, 2011
I grew Cosmos for the first time last year - I just threw them round the garden, and they came up really well. I'll be doing the same a bit later on this year.
10 Mar, 2011
they need brighter light to stop them getting leggy. I think you perhaps sowed them too soon. having said that I have mine about 2" tall too.
10 Mar, 2011