By Dulcie
United Kingdom
I have a Hydranger whiich I bought for a pound, no label. It has taken a few years to establish and is a truly beautiful but it has different leaves than other ones, very soft and the underside is sort of velvety do you know what variety it could be?
12 Mar, 2011
agree with Moongrower-- I had one once with leaves like a large oakleaf shape-- different shaped flowers too
12 Mar, 2011
As the others say, a photograph of the leaves and the flowers would be useful for ID purposes.
12 Mar, 2011
There is a species of hydrangea with oak leaf shaped leaves. It's called Hydrangea quercifolia (Oak's Latin name is Quercus).
12 Mar, 2011
You're right Beattie - but the trouble here is, there are about 11 different varieties of Hydrangea, with sub divisions and cultivars underneath most.
12 Mar, 2011
Hi Dulcie and welcome to GoY a photo of your hydrangea would be a big help to us.
12 Mar, 2011