By Pam24
United Kingdom
I had a good show of snowdrops this year. Shall I leave the seed heads on to self sow or shall I dead head so the bulbs can build up for next year, like I do with Daffs etc?

12 Mar, 2011
If you want to help them, then feed with Sulphate of potash, but dead heading is not needed as Bulbaholic says.
13 Mar, 2011
Where I live snowdrops just go mad wherever they are and spread quickly without any attention. You might consider splitting them though when the flowers have faded, as this helpts them to spread more quickly. Be careful when you weed around them in case you pull out seedlings thinking they are grass blades.
13 Mar, 2011
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Snowdrops in the wild don't get dead headed, Pam, and they produce a wonderful display each year.
12 Mar, 2011