When and with what would i feed a bay tree in a pot repotted it today.
12 Mar, 2011
sorry to disagree Docbob, but I'd suggest something with less potash for a bay tree, so Miracle Gro general purpose should be fine, or you can just put a handful of growmore granules into the top of the compost, repeat six weeks later. But your plant shouldn't need feeding, as Docbob suggests, for the next 4 or so weeks - there's already feed in the fresh compost you used.
13 Mar, 2011
Thanks to both of you this is such a good site really enjoying looking at members gardens. Thankyou once again Eileen
13 Mar, 2011
As you have just repotted your bay tree it will not need feeding until new growth starts forming, Tomorite is a good liquid feed which you can mix when watering. It pays to sponge the tops of the leaves now and again to remove dust.
13 Mar, 2011