By Stickitoffee
United Kingdom
Could you give me some suggestions please for evergreen plants fo fill out my flower beds a little; but i would only want plants that were no more than 2 foot tall ~ the garden slopes up ~ away from the house to a tree covered hill beyond.
13 Mar, 2011
Sticki, what about Leucothoes, Heathers, dwarf rhododendrons (sorry I can't recall whether you have acid soil which these need). Lavenders, Prostanthera Cuneata, Pinks, Tierellas, Hellebores, Ajuga, Lamium, Sage, Thyme, alpine stawberries. All of these are evergreen in my garden.
13 Mar, 2011
yes, sorry i forgot to say ~ its on the acidic side. i bought several leucothoes last year and they are doing quite well, i love rhododendrons but they are a bit pricey! for some odd reason heathers dont do very well ~ ive put a couple in to see if i can get them going.
ive put in a lavender but its not very sunny so im not sure how well it will do
thanks for the list ~ i dont know all of them but i will look them up ~ many thanks
13 Mar, 2011
no probs sticki! There are some lovely small growing hebes with pretty flowers. I had to give up growing them as they are not fully hardy here. Pachysandra Terminalis is popular...but I don't care for it myself. Pernettya and of course Gaultheria Procumbens too. Both of these have lovely winter berries, but the flowers are not showy. If you are growing pernettya, be sure to get a male or you won't get the wonderful berries.
13 Mar, 2011
you are a fountain of knowledge ~ thanks again
13 Mar, 2011
my pleasure!
13 Mar, 2011
thank you
14 Mar, 2011
Heucheras are evergreen. Most do not grow over 2' but spread out very nicely. They like shade.
27 Apr, 2011
thanks scotsgran ~ ive got a couple but perhaps they havent quite got going yet??
27 Apr, 2011
The only set back I have had with Heucheras has been an occasional vine weevil attack on the roots. If you think that could be a problem dig them out get rid of the soil. Wash the roots carefully and squash any little nasties and replant in fresh soil. They recover very well. I have a lot of primulas and find vine weevils can arrive with them. I always try and give them a period of isolation to ensure they are clean. Leaves with the edges nibbled are often I sign the little blighters are about. They also root from cuttings very easily. Just make sure they are for your own use asmany newvarieties enjoy plant developers rights. It is illegal to propagate them to sell on even for charity.
27 Apr, 2011
thank you, i will check them out; not sure that they have been nibbled ~ they just dont seem to have grown very much.
27 Apr, 2011
It depends on the variety. Maybe they are not large ones.
Some of the prostrate Junipers would be a good idea.
27 Apr, 2011
are they prickly? i like the smooth sort ~ different colours and textures are good.
27 Apr, 2011
Most GC's have a range of Junipers. Have a look and see whether they would be too prickly for you.
27 Apr, 2011
ok, many thanks, i shall look asap and let you know what i found.
thank you again
27 Apr, 2011
flowering plants would be best if possible, please
13 Mar, 2011