By Expats
I've just cleared an area of brambles and broom next to our pine wood.
The area is about 30M by 5M and is a south facing bank receiving sun all day. The soil seems good but, due to the pines, is always dry.
Would lavender do well there? Also any suggestions for sutable ground cover would be appreciated....
13 Mar, 2011
thanks beattie....
13 Mar, 2011
Some of the perennial geraniums are virtually evergreen and dont seem to mind poor conditions , especially the macrorrhizum group.
13 Mar, 2011
thanks, Inverglen
14 Mar, 2011
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When I was reading your description of the site, Lavender was what came to mind. Also other herbs, like thyme and oregano/ marjoram. Think "mediterranean" for plants to grow there. Vinca seems to survive anywhere, but may be too invasive for you. Prostrate rosemary would give you ground cover too.
13 Mar, 2011