By Alexlong
United Kingdom
can you grow vegetables in your front garden, near a road?
13 Mar, 2011
thank you for you reply.
so just to confirm you are saying it is fine to grow veggies near a road?
13 Mar, 2011
It really depends on how busy your road is... we live in a small village and I would not worry about harvesting veg. grown near the road. If you have a busy duel carriageway with the commensurate amount of traffic I personally wouldn't. However farmers grown crops under the flight paths near airports so it is really down to you.
13 Mar, 2011
Some houses do have restrictions on planting vegetables in front gardens - so you may need to check your deeds, not that anyone can actually do anything about you growing vegetables on your own land.
Restrictions come from Victorian times, when having lawn was a sign that you were rich enough not to have to use your garden for growing food.
14 Mar, 2011
Maybe it would be wise to protect your vegetables from passers-by, who might damage/vandalise them or steal them.
14 Mar, 2011
Again depends where Alexlong lives Hywel, we have folk in our village who grow their right by the side of the road and no one would consider touching.
14 Mar, 2011
I know that Moon grower, but even where you live there might be people from other places just looking for trouble. You just don't know who's about these days.
I live in a similar place to you, but we get trouble makers that come from other places. It's something I thought Alexlong might want to consider, that's all.
14 Mar, 2011
We rarely get anyone through the village who doesn't either live here or is visiting someone who does. I've never known anything to be vandalised here.
14 Mar, 2011
There's always a first time Moom Grower. And just because it hasn't happened where you live yet, doesn't mean it can't happen somewhere else.
I was just trying to help Alexlong. I don't know why you're making such a fuss about it. You don't know where he/she lives no more than I do.
14 Mar, 2011
Hi Alex and welcome to GoY. You can grow vegetables on any ground that is yours. If this is a busy road you might want to make sure that you thoroughly wash anything before eating and consider that there could be residues from the vehicles exhausts in the soil and food you grow.
13 Mar, 2011