By Surgery1
United Kingdom
I have 2 Ceanothus plants and my neighbour has 1.They all look as if they have died.Is there some disease going round killing them?
13 Mar, 2011
Not disease, but rather cold. Many Ceanothus in the UK were killed as a result of the extreme temps of last winter, even though it may have taken a while for this to become apparent, and for the foliage to blacken on the plants themselves.
13 Mar, 2011
i had the same problem last year yet all my Ceanothus came good. Looking really brown again this year but confident they will 'green up' as soon as the warm weather comes. Personally, I wouldn't do anything drastic just yet !!!
14 Mar, 2011
Agree with Lonegardener - if you can stand it, give them some time, you may find new growth appearing by end of April and when it does, you can then remove any obviously dead areas.
14 Mar, 2011
Thx LG and BB, that gives me some hope for one of ours that was also very brown and presumed dead. In Feb during a mild spell there were tiny signs of green but now of course we've had more frost...
Here's hoping yours and mine are both only "resting", Surgery!
14 Mar, 2011
I knew mine were dead as the twigs just snapped and a scratch test showed brown. They were old shrubs, and they'd come to the end of their life. :-(
I planted something different! :-))
14 Mar, 2011
thought that we had lost 2 this year, both very large so a big loss to the garden, but checking yesterday the deadest looking of the 2 is now showing green growth here and there, so will wait and then take off the really dead bits as suggested.No sign of life yet for our vitis cog. think it's def. brown bread.
19 Mar, 2011
Mine is slow this year - but I don't think it's dead, Freeasabird. Be patient. ;-)
19 Mar, 2011
Previous question
No - sadly, they're not very hardy shrubs. It was the severe winter weather that has killed them. I've lost two out of three of mine. :-((
13 Mar, 2011