Thought I'd ask you lovely people for some suggestions for the "patio" area of our tiny garden
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Thought I'd ask you lovely people for some suggestions for the "patio" area of our tiny garden. Here's a pic of it as it was before I moved in, but the only changes to the flagged area are that we now have a picnic bench adjacent to the grass, and I've removed all the stones from the little borders and popped in a few small evergreens. It's not really doing it for me. We keep the wheely bin and a garden storage box under the window. Would love to get rid of the flagstones and replace with something nicer but too many other things to spend money on unfortunately. I'm very limited to how many flagstones I could remove now as the wheely bin needs to travel across to the side gate adjacent to the house, and the bench takes up most of the room. Do you think I should go with a lot of tall potted plants? I was going to go with bamboo as per a previous suggestion but not sure it will give me that enclosed in greenery feeling I'm looking for.
Grateful for any suggestions as it all seems a bit hopeless at the moment! (On the bright side, the rest of the garden looks great).
Whoops. Forgot to mention the most important thing - it's shady for most of the time.

14 Mar, 2011
Hi Drc. Thanks ever so much for your reply. I probably should have mentioned that I've been working on the rest of the garden and yes, the raised bed has already been reclaimed. We do have a big picnic bench already and can't afford to replace so we'll have to keep that.
Hanging basket idea shoulds good but would need staking in as we get a hellish wind blowing through from the side gate.
Will have to sneak bin outside gate and hope OH doesn't notice as he worries that people will steal it. Sigh.
Thanks again and I'll take a look at the ideas page.
15 Mar, 2011
Just a thought-- if you go in for the hanging baskets use stiff plants which will stand up to the wind! I used balcon geraniums and their stems snapped. I find verbena works better, mixed with something like helychrysm.
16 Mar, 2011
Hi Caroline,
like the little head that's peeking around your door!Agree with other's ..... def. move the bins. I think a bamboo[possibly phyll. aurea] in a large pot at either side would look good and cover the pipework on the house. By the time you have added a table and chairs and a hanging basket or two, job done.Wind won't affect the bamboos, but keep well watered.
19 Mar, 2011
Hi and welcome to GOY. This area just needs tweaking to look good. First put wheelybins at the side of the house and replace with tubs of colourful annuals with plenty of hanging baskets - have you seen those basket hangers look like coat stands and take 5-7 baskets that would add some summer colour. Just a thought the raised pink slabs is there a possible raised flower bed in there if you lifted them off? Also a table and chairs makes an area appealing.
If you go to GOYpeadia and look at 'back garden' and 'patio ideas' etc you may well see just what would look good on your patio.
14 Mar, 2011