By Lumsden
United Kingdom
Our potatoes have been in the dark too long and the shoots are 3 to 4 inches long. will they still grow well? can we rub off these shoots and chit them properly? do we need to get new seed potatoes?
15 Mar, 2011
I usually rub off all but 3-4 shoots per tuber and mine are often well sprouted by the time I plant them and they do fine.
16 Mar, 2011
That's reassuring! Thanks
16 Mar, 2011
I wouldn't rub off the long shoots as the tuber has worked hard and used lots of it's reserves to produce them. Put them somewhere brighter and they should green up. If you think about it, they must grow long pale shoots when left in the ground and do OK. I always get little left over tubers sprouting if I don't get all the tiny ones out of the soil at harvest time.
15 Mar, 2011