By Adoons
I just planted a Japanese Honeysuckle & "googled" it then noticed that it is an Invasive plant in the USA. I wonder if any one could tell me should I rip it up before it becomes a "pest"???????????
17 Mar, 2011
It does depend on how cold it gets where you live. It is invasive in Southern States of the US as it is evergreen there unlike Japan where it is deciduous. This evergreen change makes it much more invasive as it does not have the 6 months dormancy period.
If you live in a part of Canada where it gets a good winter, then it should behave and be a deciduous plant and therefore I would leave it - it is a lovely aromatic flowering vine. Trim it back every winter to help control it.
17 Mar, 2011
Jin Yin Hua (Japanese Honeysuckle,) is notable for its inclusion in the traditional Chinese medicine herbal formula Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder. It is common to find Japanese Honeysuckle paired in Chinese medicine herbal formulations with Forsythia (Lian Qiao, Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae). According to Chinese medicine, these herbs, when combined, have a synergistic medicinal effect to address indications such as fever with headache and sore throat. This is why these two herbs are considered "paired herbs."
From Wikapedia.
So Adoons, it is useful in some parts of the world as you can see, as Kildermorie says keep it trimmed and enjoy the scent!
17 Mar, 2011
Thank you so much, wow it is amazing. I do live in Zone 8 flirting with 9, but get stung now & then. I will now transplant it into a pot, as I planted it with a Clematis. It will become too difficult to trim it then every year, so out it comes & into a large pot. Thank you so much for the input, only on this great site do we get fast responses.
Interesting Grandmage about the combo.
Kildermorie, our zone is to temperate & not alot goes dormant for more than maybe 2 mnths.
Moon growe I will take steps, I am such a chicken when it comes to anything that spreads to "wildly."
17 Mar, 2011
I just have one more question, is it invasive by its root system (very bad then) or by being vigorous in growth habit???
21 May, 2011
Dense growths of honeysuckle covering vegetation can gradually kill plants by blocking sunlight from reaching their leaves. Vigorous root competition also helps Japanese honeysuckle spread and displace neighboring native vegetation.
Japanese honeysuckle has the ability to climb over and smother most plants in its path. It can even cause the collapse of the forest canopy if it is allowed to get away.
The Japanese honeysuckle is often spread when pieces of stem are dumped with garden rubbish. In addition, its seeds are easily spread by birds and sometimes possums. The vine is hard to kill using existing herbicides.
Hi Adoons, I found the above on the website!!! Hope this helps.
21 May, 2011
OK, I am out the door right now & ripping that sucker OUT!!!!thx.
22 May, 2011
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I think you would be wise to it is incredibly invasive.
17 Mar, 2011