By Stickitoffee
United Kingdom
Is there a 'good time' to prune pieris?
i have one that is too large for where it is but its a beautiful plant; it has 3 main stems ~ last year i cut back one of them ~ hoping that it would shoot from the lower part of the trunk ~ as yet it hasnt done this. Any advice?
18 Mar, 2011
thank you volunteer ~ we have slightly acidic soil ~ luckily!
18 Mar, 2011
The only advice regarding pruning I can find says 'cut back old, straggly specimens in late winter'. The assumption is that you've had the sense to pick a spot that's going to be large enough to accommodate the plant you've chosen, I imagine, lol!
18 Mar, 2011
many thanks bamboo ~ lovely new avatar; my excuse is ~ i didnt plant it!!!
18 Mar, 2011
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Pieris seems to be one of those plants that has a growth spurt in spring but then just stays the same size til the following Spring. So you may have cut it back after its growth period. I'd wait and see what happens this year. Give it a feed with a food suitable for ericaceous plants (lime-haters).
18 Mar, 2011