By Bernard
United Kingdom
I planted a couple of Magnolia soulangeana last year. They have survived the winter and have nice new buds developing - one plant better than the other. I understand that their soil preference tends towards the acid and I wonder if a feed of Miracid and mulching with ericaceous compost would be a good thing.
22 Mar, 2011
I would avoid mushroom compost as that has a slightly alkaline reaction but ordinary garden compost would be good for a mulch
22 Mar, 2011
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Certainly the Miracid won't do any harm, so I'd use that, but instead of ericaceous compost, suggest you get some organic soil conditioning compost, or other composted materials, and mulch around the base with that instead - Magnolia also like humus rich conditions, and using composted material will increase the levels. Apply the Miracid first, then a thick layer of compost.
22 Mar, 2011