Moving Lavender & Rosemary???
By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
Whens best 2 move Lavender & Rosemary as their not happy where their Planted@Present
2 Oct, 2008
Thanx Trees&Things Best wait till March 2009 then :)
2 Oct, 2008
I can only speak from experience about Lavender. I think they like it here because they self seed and grow well. I have moved lavender around at all times, but I tend to try to do it in Spring or Autumn, not in the summer heat.
2 Oct, 2008
Hi Jacque these plants originate from mediterranean countries so like hot and dry .So our summer not the best for them hate to be water logged and damp so if you got clay soil forget it. If you can give full sun and free draining soil then can move now .
If they cant get this dont matter when you move them.
2 Oct, 2008
Hi Jacque. I've found the easiest way is not to move them but to take heel cuttings as described by Trees&things. They strike very easily and as long as they are in free draining soil, as Bonkersbon says, they grow very quickly.
3 Oct, 2008
as a comman rule of thumb across the board generaly either winter or early spring
3 Oct, 2008
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It say's in my book to plant Lavender Sept-Mar, Rosemary in mar, propagate cuttings in Sept or mar.
I hope this helps.
2 Oct, 2008