By Muddyshoes
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a pittosporum tenuifolium,"Silver Queen" bush, which is about 3 feet high. Because of the heavy snow during the winter it appears to have died. There are no leaves on it at all. Should I cut off most of the branches just leaving the main stems or wait a while and see if anything comes through during the spring.
Hope someone can help as I would hate to lose it. Thank you
25 Mar, 2011
Wait - it may yet start showing new growth, so don't advise cutting back until/unless it does, and if you do want to cut it back anyway, where you live, don't do it before beginning of May.
PS - Julien, just seen your response (done at the same time) but this question is on Pittosporum, not penstemmon...
25 Mar, 2011
Appologies for the mix up, its been a long day, however the pittosporums i have seen have all been killed off too, all topgrowth, and main trunks completely dead.
25 Mar, 2011
My Pittosporum tenuifolium Irene Patterson has survived its 11th or 12th winter. Last summer I planted a Pittosporum eugenioides Variegatum and Pittosporum eugenioides Variegatum they look damaged but seem to have survived so I would wait and see as suggested MW.
25 Mar, 2011
I have 5 Pittosporums, all different and well established. Only one has survived last winter; the rest appear to have completely died, and I have now sadly made the decision to take them out. I live in Dorset, normally fairly mild, but I think the ultra low temperatures and snow were too much for them. In addition, it now seems I have lost two big, hardy Hebes; they seemed to have survived the winter, but over the last month have deteriorated and now seem dead. I am also alarmed to see that my 3 Viburnum Tinums have started looking a bit sick.
I'd be interested to know if anyone else in the south west has had a similar experience with well established shrubs.
23 Apr, 2011
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Hello muddyshoes, sorry for the bringer of bad news, but all the penstemons in the gardens i tend have perished, have you tried cutting down a little to see if there are signs of healthy wood, most of the penstomens i have seen have completely gone brown and very brittle right to the ground inc the roots.
25 Mar, 2011