By Josephinemfr
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I have a question about grass again.
My lawns are quite overlooked in places by trees and in the shadow there is either a lot of moss or just very sparce grass. could anyone recommend a tough seed that would grow in these areas. I've seen patch magic by miracle-gro, is this any good or is there something better
26 Mar, 2011
i find a lot of gimmicks are just that .
26 Mar, 2011
Roughstalk Bluegrass (Poa trivialis), and Turf-Type Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) are both relatively shade tolerant, but still need fairly bright shade--10 meters under a beech tree is likely to be to dark for anything.
27 Mar, 2011
thankyou for the answers so far
27 Mar, 2011
your welcome x
27 Mar, 2011
Go to your Garden Centre and look for the grass seed especially for shaded areas.
I have tried that Patch Magic - didn't work for me, I'm afraid. :-(
26 Mar, 2011