By Ladygardener
KENT, United Kingdom
What is this plant and what has eaten it up!! been like it last 2 years!!
Should I just cut right back to nothing or dig it up or what do you suggest?? thanks
- 28 Mar, 2011
thank you so much louise will try that
28 Mar, 2011
It is Viburnum Beetle damage.
The very small larvae do their leaf-munching in late Spring, which is the time to look for them on the leaves and then subsequently treat the plant.
The eggs (from which the larvae will emerge) overwinter where they are laid, on the shoot tips of the plant, so careful pruning of the top growth of the entire bush will certainly dent their numbers, but some are still likely to emerge from eggs that have fallen to the ground and into the heart of the plant.
28 Mar, 2011
The leaves look like that of viburnum tinus and it looks like it's been attacked by a caterpillar.
If it was MY plant i'd buy some Provado insecticide and start spraying immediately to try to allay further damage, might be an idea to cut it back and let new growth come through.
I think i'd pre-empt further spring attacks by spraying in winter too.
28 Mar, 2011