By Funguy
United Kingdom
Large plant pots without holes. I have a couple of the very large (40-50 litre) glazed plant pot. They are about an inch thick and do not have holes in the bottom. How do you use this type of pot, as there is no drainage. Are they intended for being used with compost straight into the pot and put some stones in the bottom or are you supposed to plant into a pot with drainage hole and place that pot inside the larger one?
29 Mar, 2011
I wouldn't recommend using a planter without drainage holes outdoors. As Kildermorie states you have no control over the amount of rainwater that is going to collect in the planter and, in wet spell, the plant could literally drown. You could try drilling holes through if you have a good masonry drill but you might crack the pot.
29 Mar, 2011
Thanks but think it is intended for outdoor use, they are commonly found at garden centre's for outdoor use, although i did not purchase this one but would like to put it to use as it takes up a lot of room. I think it would have to be an incredibly large houseplant to fill a 40 - 50 maybe 60 litre size pot!
It is similar to this pot of spritzhenry's
except it is about 3-4 times as large made of concrete or something very heavy.
I am wondering what is the standard practice for using such pots, without any drainage holes?
29 Mar, 2011
I get your point and I have seen these large pots for sale for outdoors but practically speaking they have their faults with rain getting into them. More for sheltered patio then say the middle of some grass.
As I said, if you add lots of stones and broken pot to the base of the pot then put soil on top of that then that is how they work or you put a smaller plant pot into the larger one (I would again add some stones to the base of the larger pot to for extra drainage)
29 Mar, 2011
If it is big enough how about making it a pond in a pot feature?
29 Mar, 2011
If you drill holes start with a small bit and increase the the bit size until you have large enough holes this will decrease the risk of cracking the pot.
29 Mar, 2011
Yes moongrower. I am going to do that with the other big lump of a pot i have. Which is even slightly larger! I have bought some of the black paint liner from the aquatic shop and i am just waiting for a sunny day to paint it and for the shop to recieve its delivery of dwarf water lillies, iris and maybe some water bamboo. I need to go and take some pictures to show what im talking about, be back in an hour or two. :)
29 Mar, 2011
I started to type a reply to you earlier, but we had a power cut in the middle!
I would strongly recommend that if you want to plant anything in the pot, you drill drainage holes and also put crocks and stones in the base. My husband did it with my HUGE containers before I planted them up with specimen-sized shrubs.
29 Mar, 2011
..or try creating a mini bog garden!
29 Mar, 2011
I have a few large pots in my back yard as you do, I just buy inexpensive plastic pots, place them inside the large ceramic pot with gravel in the bottom, and place my plant inside the larger pot.
10 Jul, 2017
Previous question
Plant pots without drainage holes are designed for indoor use. You place a slightly smaller plant pot inside it and have to be careful not to over-water it as the water pools in the bigger pot as it has no where else to go. This can drown a plant.
Am guessing that you bought it for outdoor use though. If you lay a few centimetres/inches of stones for drainage at the bottom of the pot and then put compost for the plant on top then that might work. Be aware that you have no control of the amount of rain getting into the pot and just because the top few inches of soil is dry the bottom of the pot may be water logged.
29 Mar, 2011