By Kurlakid
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Nitrogen Feed for Ivys?
I had planted IVYs to cover north front fence last year in August. They were very small plants (from 9cm pots) when planted.
They have survived the winter and have grown a bit but I want them to grow quicker to cover my fence this year.
I guess the main growin season in April - September and I wish to feed htese IVYs nitrogen rich food like dried blood.
Is that right?
I know that IVYs are strong growers and could be left on their own or some all purpose plant food;
but I love IVYs and I want them to grow quickly to cover my front fence with nice leaves without any yellowing etc.
Thanks for any suggestions
29 Mar, 2011
I thought I had replied to you last year on this.
Wanted to thank you for answering my questions always.
I did follow your advice about growmore on Ivies.
They have done good last year and have shown godd growth. They have covered little more than half of my trellis fence.
I am doing the same this year with growmore as you had advised. Hopefully next year this time I will have them covering all of the fence.
Thanks for your responses.
9 Jul, 2012
Aye, you'll soon be needing the hedgetrimmer twice a year, lol!
9 Jul, 2012
Apply Growmore or Vitax Q4 to the base and rake or stir it into the soil. Repeat in six to eight weeks, and then no more.
29 Mar, 2011