By Casso
United Kingdom
I took some cuttings of pelagoniums last year and two took well and are thriving. I plan to put one in each pot on the patio and want to surround them with some small flowers like white allysum but I would like something that will flower through the summer. Any ideas please?
29 Mar, 2011
Thank you Spritzhenry. I shall get some Bacopa. It sounds just what I am looking for.
29 Mar, 2011
I can't find Bacopa in any of my gardening books or on my local Nursery website Spritzhenry. Has it got another name?
29 Mar, 2011
I don't know of one - I got mine as plugplants at the local Garden Centre and grew them on. They had some there last week if you can do the same. You'll also find them in catalogues (or on line) from Dobies, Mr Fothergill, T&M, etc.
29 Mar, 2011
I'v e just been told another name for Bacopa is Sutera Cordata.
30 Mar, 2011
Oooh-errr - I'll never remember that - it's Bacopa to me. :-))) Why do they have to change names?
Did you find any?
30 Mar, 2011
My local nursery had them Spritzhenry but they were quite large in individual pots. I spoke to one of the assistants and eventually bought a tray of white trailing lobelia which he said is similar.
31 Mar, 2011
It is in a way, but it doesn't flower for as long.
31 Mar, 2011
Thank you for your help Spritzhenry. I was told to put them out each day and bring them in at night until danger of frost has gone. Then I'll put them in the tubs and put a pic on here if they look good.
1 Apr, 2011
You're welcome - and yes, that's the right thing to do, but do watch the daytime temps. It's called 'hardening off'.
1 Apr, 2011
Can I put the lobelia and my pelargoniums in a cold frame on the patio without having to bring them in at night?
3 Apr, 2011
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« Nitrogen Feed for Ivys? Guys, I had planted IVYs to cover north front fence...
Try Bacopa - I found it in white, lavender and pale pink last year. It flowered on and on until the frosts. It trails over the sides of the containers.
29 Mar, 2011