By Jbrown3296
United Kingdom
I have space in my fruit pen, and would like to grow some blueberry bushes. The PH in the soil however is 6.5. How can I lower it to the required 4.5
- 29 Mar, 2011
I have read that its very difficult to permanently lower the pH. If you are set on growing them in the ground rather than a half barrel I would replace the soil over as big an area as you can spare. Possibly add some gel crystals as they need constant moisture.
29 Mar, 2011
Digging in soil sulfur crystals will produce a zone of the proper pH around each crystal. The roots will draw their nutrients from that zone, while you apply compost twice a year to gradually lower the ph over the entire root area.
30 Mar, 2011
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You'll need to dig in lots of ericaceous compost.
29 Mar, 2011