By Jonshirl
United Kingdom
Hello again,
I have 4 very large Marbled Laurels in my garden, but unfortuneatly when we bought them we werent told how big they would get, and they are clearly planted too close, is it possible to dig them out and move them and if yes, is this the right time of year? We dont want to lose them as they are very nice with the cream mottling on the leaves look forward to hearing from someone who can give advice
30 Mar, 2011
Do you mean too close to each other, in which, case move the inner 2, or too close to the house? Evergreens can be moved at this time of year, but it does depend on how big they are/ how long they've been there.
30 Mar, 2011
Thanks to Volunteer and Beattie
The Laurels have been in the ground just over two years and roughly 3 foot apart but there are also groups of 3 portugese laurels around them its like a clump of laurels in this area of the garden but I dont mind that its just we want to move a couple to screen us from the road in a different part
31 Mar, 2011
I think they're probably still just about movable, size-wise. I don't know if this is a good time to do it. I'd have thought that in winter, while they were dormant would be better. I guess it's worth a try, but get the biggest root ball out that you can, and have the holes already dug to receive them. The root ball will probably be at least the size of the growth you can see, so it's not going to be an easy job.
31 Mar, 2011
Thanks you Beattie we were going to tackle it this weekend but its Mothers Day so our daughter is coming to see us, so we will have to leave it till next weekend but I agree it is going to be a big job and some heavy lumps to move I didnt say but they are at least 6-7feet tall and as wide I will go out today and take pictures of the area
But meanwhile thanks for your advice
1 Apr, 2011
If they're that big I'm not at all hopeful that you'll be able to get them out with enough root to survive. How about taking cuttings and starting again - this time putting the bushes in in the right place?
2 Apr, 2011
How large is "very large" Jonshirl, and how long have they been where they are now?
30 Mar, 2011