By Persey
Satellite Provider
the stems look dead no buds
30 Mar, 2011
LOL. Bamboo, I see you were prepared to shoot the answer and-no picture.
30 Mar, 2011
Well Bamboo's response is the only valid one 'On what plant'!
Sorry we do not have crystal balls!
30 Mar, 2011
If we are considering a woody shrub, you can take a sharp knife and scratch away a little of the bark just above the soil. If it shows green your plant is still alive, but if it is brown or grey it has succumbed to the winter weather
30 Mar, 2011
Could be dead - it's always worth giving it the benefit of the doubt and wait a while to see if there's any growth.
30 Mar, 2011
I thought I was very restrained, Katarina!
31 Mar, 2011
You were Bamboo
31 Mar, 2011
Bamboo, I liked your question and I pretty understand why you asked.
31 Mar, 2011
What helpful answers Andrew and Beattie.
31 Mar, 2011
On what plant?
30 Mar, 2011