United Kingdom
Having gone through my vast collection of plants in flower in September I would like to know what your favourite garden plant in flower in September is?
Mine is Lobelia Queen Victoria

31 Mar, 2011
too many to chose from
jap anemones, schystostylus, Aster calliope, colchicums to name a few
31 Mar, 2011
Mine is rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' - tough, reliable and flowers for ages, often into November
31 Mar, 2011
Hello treesandthings, nice picture, they go really well in that situation, for me it has to be Sedum spectabile, just love the changes in colour from when they first emerge untill they finally finish and take on that lovely russet brown, i always leave them so they take on an added colour in the winter when all frosted up.
31 Mar, 2011