By Pemburyann
United Kingdom
I have split and replanted rhubard the new growth is very thin.Should this be pulled and discarded or just left.
How many years before I get good strong sticks?
3 Apr, 2011
Yes, leave it alone but feed it well - rhubarb responds well to rotted farmyard manure if you can get it. When it grows more vigorously next year try to remove only one stalk from each centre, otherwise you will weaken the plant until it is well established again.
3 Apr, 2011
Steragram is right well rotted farmyard manure or horse manure works wonders for rhubarb... I forgot that bit lol!
I'd risk removing a few stems from each crown next year.
3 Apr, 2011
Yes, but not all at once!
3 Apr, 2011
I never remove all the stems from my rhubarb, as said above, the stems are there to feed the crown.
4 Apr, 2011
Previous question
You'll need to leave your rhubarb alone this year if you have divided and replanted. Don't remove the thin stems, they are helping to feed the roots.
3 Apr, 2011