By Amt
We inherited a flower bed with a low brick built retaining wall in the front lawn. The wall was three courses high and was built directly on the soil without a foundation. The wall was removed three years ago, the lawn was rotavated, raked out and relaid with new turf. The outline of the wall appeared in the lawn within a year and now only moss and weeds will grow on the wall line. How do we get rid of the line?
3 Apr, 2011
You probably need to dig it out again and remove all of the sand and rubble that you will undoubtedly find down there, then fill with decent soil.
3 Apr, 2011
Cut the turf away from this area, dig out the soil and any rubble debris and weeds that may be still left in the ground, and backfill with decent soil and returf, is the drainage good for this area? julien
3 Apr, 2011