By Freeasabird
United Kingdom
Hi everyone,
has anyone planted a spirea called Anthony Waterii [or something similar!] Looks good in pics. and wanted to plant a couple in my garden, however, can't see them in any garden centre. Will I have to go to nurseries, or is it just too early to buy this shrub? Sure that somebody out there will know.... you usually do.Also, has anyone grown and coppiced a eucalyptus pauciflora?Thanks in advance.
4 Apr, 2011
thanks Bamboo - not sure the spirea I am after is Goldflame though, the leaves on the one I want are green, with deep pink flowers in the Summer, does this ring a bell?Please tell me HOW you coppiced the euc.gunni?
4 Apr, 2011
Hello freesabird, Re the E, pauciflora, Yes have hard pruned these on a few occaisions in the past, these being quite large trees, one tree i would hard prune every two years, and would respond really well, but thats the pruning of the tree form, if you want them as shrubs then cut them down to your desired height and work out the height of the new growth, have pruned these mainly in the months of jan/feb, but on occaisions in march.julien
4 Apr, 2011
Also, keep an eye on the supermarket shelves and other non- garden centres that stock some plants ( B& Q etc). This used to be very commonly sold. It may yet be a bit early but by Easter weekend the place wil be full of new plants.
5 Apr, 2011
Well the plain green version is still around, as Volunteer, says, often available in cheapie shops, though it may not be labelled correctly, usually just says Spiraea, but it is the boring (sorry, that's how I think of it) plain green version.
I use the term coppice losely - I cut it to within 6 inches of the ground in March because I want it as a shrub, not a tree.
5 Apr, 2011
thank you all for the advice, managed to buy an Anthony Waterer spirea to-day, along with 2 others [that's how I get at nurseries, garden centres!] an Arguta [bridal ] and a Goldflame. Also bought 3 photinia [Red Robins] and some Erysiums. I saw the new photinias [Pink Marble] which look to have rather nice foliage, but they were very expensive.I now Know how to hard coppice the eucalpt. many thanks for that.A while ago, I asked for advice as my vitis Cog. seemed to have succumbed to the harsh Winter..... sadly it had, so looking to replace that now.The 2 Ceonothus that looked dead...... one really is, the other now has signs of life, what a relief as it is a very large one, and would have left a huge space to fill.
5 Apr, 2011
Spiraea Anthony Watererii 'Goldflame' is the one I know - these days its just sold as Spiraea 'Goldflame', not to be confused with Gold Mound, which is a much smaller plant and not quite as attractive.
Only Eucalypt I've ever coppiced has been E. gunnii.
4 Apr, 2011